compress 1 GB to 10 mb
Compress 1 GB to 10 MB :
KGB Archiver is the only tool which i think enables us to compress 1 gb to 10 mb .
Another feature is it is given as freeware (GPL\FREE)
Yes we can compress 1gb data to nearly 10 to 20 mb....
This feature gives us easy uploading and downloading within no time........
KGB Archiver is the only tool which i think enables us to compress 1 gb to 10 mb .
KGB Archiver is one of the most efficient compression programs on the market to compress large files to small files
The KGB compressor makes 7z and RAR cry by managing a super compression that is really high
KGB compressor compressor compresses already compressed formats like JPEG and DivX files.
It fades out all other compressor formats like .rar, zip, .7z.......
:> The main disadvantage is it takes hours to compress 1gb to 10 mb and decompress 10 gb to 1gb after downloading
check out this link for compressing jpeg images to extremely small size and high clarity pictures
Thats it thank you..........
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